
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Lessons and HW Dec. 17-21

Hey Y'all!
Hooray for Quests and Vacation! This week we will finish chapter 6 and have a Quest on Thursday. Do not miss school! Friday will be important, too. Vacation starts on Saturday!

Today we went to the lab space to observe cells. Bilal, Mahmmud, and Sannan got their turn at the microscope and looked and corn root cells and human motor neurons! Isa finally took the chapter 1 test, and everyone else got a headstart on the homework coloring packet, "Cells and their Organelles."

We will start a lab experiment in the classroom today. The observations will be made on Friday (one of the reasons Friday's class is so important!). This lab will exemplify the scientific method, but is also related to what we are learning and what we will be learning after break as it will involve bacteria. After we set up the lab (should take 20 minutes), we will start reviewing in our textbook together. We will begin the chapter review in the text. Homework will bea  review worksheet handed out in class and the section 3 assessment questions (write your answers in your packet).

In class, we will finish the review section from the textbook. As we do this we will discuss any questions that arise. If you are confused about anything in chapter 3, now is the time to bring it up!
Homework is to STUDY!! Remember, if you did not score well on the first test, you already used your "freebie." Make this test a good one!!

Quest day :)
I hope you studied ;)

We will observe the results of our first bacteria lab. Lab questions will be completed in class and the lab page will be due this day. Please, do not skip school!

Break work will mostly involve the science fair and more information will be given to you soon!

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