
Monday, December 3, 2012

Example Research Plan

Example Research Plan
A. Question or Problem being Addressed
Does compost or fertilizer help plants grow faster?

B. Goals/Hypotheses/Expected Outcomes
My hypothesis is that compost will help plants grow faster. My goal is to help people grow bigger plants faster and cheaper.

C. Detailed description of methods or procedures
1. Collect materials: three equal sized pots, measuring cup, potting soil, radish seeds, compost from my backyard, fertilizer from home depot, water.
2. Fill the three pots to the same level with potting soil.
3. Add a quarter cup of fertilizer to pt 1, a quarter cup of compost to pot 2, and nothing to pot 3 (the control)
4. Place two radish seeds 1.5 inches apart in the center of the 3 pots.
5. Water each pot with a quarter cup of water every other day.
6. Record when each seed germinates.
7. Measure the height of the plant each day after germination for 2 weeks.

D. References
**Students need FIVE (5) references and at least 1 needs to be a .gov, .com, ,**

Here is a link to the official instructions:
Research Plan Form

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