
Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring Break and Next Week

Hey kiddos! I am on my layover in Dallas en route to the British Virgin Islands. I am absolutely ready to spend a week and a half at the beach, but I am a little sad to be missing regionals and 3 days of school. For my regionals kids: HAVE FUN! Bilal, enjoy your vacation.

When I am out of school, please behave for your substitute and work hard!

Monday: read and take notes on chapter 10 section 2. Write down all vocabulary words and definitions and answer reading checks in full sentences. The section assessment is Mondays homework.

Tuesday: Read and take notes on chapter 10 section 3. Again, write down vocabulary and reding checks. Section assessment in homework.

Wednesday: Answer all question in the chapter review in the textbook. It will be collected on Thursday.

We will do several activities and labs with this chapter when I return. We will also make sure that I answer any questions you have from reading on your own.

Some pic from last week :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 4-8 Lessons and Homework

Last week before spring break and the regional science fair! I can't wait to be on the beach, but I also can't wait to hear all about regionals!!

Monday: Today was the review game, and it was a lively one! Layla and Caleb won the game and get an extra point on their test! Good work!

Tuesday: AHhhh Test day! I can't wait to grade them! 

Wednesday: Today, we are going to participate in an experiment, a big idea in education! 
Sugata Mitra is an educational researcher that promotes SOLEs Self Organized Learning Environments. He has asked educators around the world to try this technique in their classrooms and submit data to him. The students will work together to learn about a topic on their own and report on what they learned and what the experience of leading themselves was like. Audio, pictures, and video will be posted. Homework is to have your tests signed and to write out corrects for the questions you get wrong. 

Thursday: We will start chapter 10 Regulation and Reproduction with a launch lab and a free write. Homework will be a vocabulary foldable for all of chapter 10.

Friday: We will read chapter 10 section 1. Homework is the section assessment.

Have a great break and have fun at regionals!!