
Monday, January 14, 2013

Assignments and Announcements Jan 14-18

I am still not used to it being 2013! I feel like I need to write it everywhere in order to get it in my head, so this is was is going on for the week of January 14th, 2013!

Here is a link to the week's (and last week's) packet, in case it is left at school: Chapter 4 Packet

1. There is a test this Friday.
2. Science fair projects (boards and research papers) are due next Wednesday. The fair is next Friday (1/25/2013)

Our first field trip is next Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013. We will be going to the Nuclear Museum to participate in a special program on nano technology and then will enjoy a guided tour of the museum. We will be back at school in time for lunch. The cost of the trip is $7 for students and free for chaperones. We need two parent volunteers to help drive and chaperone. Please email me is you are interested!

Today in class we started two experiments. We placed pineapple chunks on prepared gelatin in plastic containers and allowed the pineapple to sit overnight. We will observe the gelatin tomorrow to see what effect the pineapple had. We also measured the masses of two de-shelled eggs (I removed the shells by dissolving them in vinegar over the weekend; it was the first time I dissolved egg shells and it was really fun and cool: see picture). We then placed the de-shelled eggs in distilled water. We will measure the mass of the eggs again on Wednesday to see if water diffused into the eggs (osmosis). We will then submerge the eggs in corn syrup and measure the mass again on Friday to see if water diffused out of the eggs (osmosis, again!). There is a handout for homework today. 

We will start class by observing our two experiments set up yesterday. 
Today we will read the last section (sect. 3) of our chapter on cellular processes. Homework will be to complete the section 3 assessment and there will be a short handout to help review for Friday's test. 

We will take the masses of our eggs and transfer the eggs into corn syrup solution.
We will also do a short activity observing diffusion in cold and hot water. 
Finally, we will work on the the chapter review section at the end of the chapter and fill the answers in in the space provided in the packet. Homework will be to finish the questions we did not do in class and a handout.

We will review material for the test. Come prepared with questions you might need to ask after having worked on the chapter review assignment in the text. Homework will be to STUDY! Use your vocabulary foldable, the packet, the summary at the end of the text chapter. I will also hand out a chapter review worksheet. Use it to study, it is also homework. 

Test Day!!!
Packets and permission slips are due.
Weekend homework is to work really, really hard on your science fair project! Make it something you will be proud of! Do good work!

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