
Friday, November 30, 2012

Lessons and HW Dec. 3-7

Today will finish reading and taking notes on chapter 1 section 2. For homework, please finish section 3 assessment questions we did not finish in class and the online chapter review: online chapter 1 review

Due on Monday:  
1. One page essay on your favorite outdoor place. 
2. Research plan rough draft.

In class we will be doing an activity regarding scientific experimentation. Homework will to be to finish the questions about the activity in this weeks packet and to make sure that your graph is absolutely perfect! Make sure you include a title, label the axis, use units, and neatness counts!

We will read and take notes on chapter 1, section 3. Homework is to finish the section assessment questions at the end of the chapter and to do the chapter 1 online test prep: Ch.1 online test prep

In class we will review chapter 1 and do the chapter review in the text book. Homework will to be to finish any questions that we did not finish in class and to study for Friday's quiz. The quiz will cover all of chapter one, so study all the vocabulary, the packets, the summaries in the textbook, and the online quizzes.

Due on Friday: This week and last weeks packet!

Quiz Day! Hooray!

Here are some pics from class this week!

And, this is Charlotte, the puppy my husband and I are fostering!

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