
Monday, April 8, 2013

Lessons and Homework April 8-12, 2013

Whoa! The school year is just about over and I am already packing up my house getting ready to move to Georgia. Jamie took my Fit to GA last week, the end of the year is finally feeling real. I just hope that we can make our last month together as productive, educational, and fun as possible! Remember to stay up on your assignments and to stay focused in class!

What are we up to this week?

Monday: Today we finished reading and discussing chapter 11, section 2. We discussed recessive disorders, sex determination, sex linked traits such as color-blindedness and hemophelia, and pedigrees. Homework is the section assessment on page 314, questions 1-7. There was also an extra credit assignment to look up problems associated with pure bred dogs. A hint is to think about recessive orders and what we discussed about breeding with siblings and first cousins. The more related you are to someone, the more likely they carry the same recessive alleles that could cause disease.

Tuesday: Today we will finish chapter 11! We will read section 3 and discuss advances in genetics and how they will affect humans in the future. There are a lot of implications that genetics will bring in the health and medecine fields as well as conservation and reproductive health. Homework is to finish the section 3 assessment, questions 1-7 (#7 can be handwritten) on page 317. In addition, please research a genetic disease and prepare to share what you have learned on Thursday!

Wednesday: I will not see you today :( But, enjoy your field trip!

Thursday: Today each of you will present what you have learned about the specific genetic disorder you have researched. I can;t wait to see what you have found out! Afterwards, we will play family feud with new teams! Exciting! Please study like crazy tonight! I would love for you to FINALLY win the
Shark Test Tube Award!!!

Friday: Test Day! Time to celebrate knowledge! I can hardly wait :)

Enjoy your weekend! No science HW!

Genetics Review!

These videos on genetics from the Khan Academy are a great review of what we have been covering in class! Check them out!

Introduction to Heredity: Heredity and Classical Genetics. Dominant and recessive traits. Heterozygous and homozygous genotypes.

  Sex-Linked Traits: Chromosomal basis for gender. Sex-linked traits.

Genetics 101 Part 2: What are SNPs?: Learn about the variations in human DNA called SNPs, and how they can be used to understand relationships between people.