
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Feb 25-March 1st

Things are getting complicated in science class. Our current chapter is all about mitosis, meiosis, and DNA. There are a lot of new words to learn and mitosis, meiosis I, and meiosis II can be confusing, but I know you guys are fully capable of understanding these important topics!

Monday: Today we finished reading chapter 8 section 2 on Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction. We reviewed mitosis and meiosis and compared these two processes. Remember, mitosis creates two cells that are clones with 46 chromosomes each. Meiosis creates 4 cells that are not clones and each has 23 chromosomes. Homework was to finish the section assessment.

Tuesday: Today we read chapter 8 section 3, DNA. We learned about the differences between RNA and DNA: different sugars, 1 stranded and 2 stranded, different nitrogen bases. We also learned about the 3 types of RNA, mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA and what each of their jobs are. Homework is a review handout.

Wednesday: Today we will finish reading chapter 8 section 3. We will discuss protein synthesis in more detail and learn about the codons that code for the amino acids building blocks of proteins. Homework will be the section assessment and a short handout.

Thursday: Today we will build a model of DNA by folding paper. By making this model of DNA we will gain a deeper understanding of the structure of DNA. Homework will be a review handout.

Friday: Today we are playing Codon Bingo. I will read a 3 base codon, and you will put a bingo marker on the space on your board that has the amino acid represented by the codon. Winners get extra points on the chapter test! Homework is a review handout and to study.

* Review game will be Monday and chapter test will be Tuesday *

Here are some pictures from the last two weeks:

Here we are studying respiration and photosynthesis by placing the water plant Elodea in test tubes with carbonated water and bromothymol blue. Bromothymol blue is yellow green in the presence of an acid. The tubes started out greenish yellow, but the vials that had the green plant and access to sunlight turned clear after a week. Vials that had the green plant but no sunlight turned a darker green because the plant was undergoing respiration, but not photosynthesis. 

To get a better understanding of the organs of excretion, we dissected kidneys from sheep. Students identified the renal veins and arteries, the medulla and cortex of the kidney, and where urine is drained from the kidney. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lessons and HW Feb. 4-8

Reminders: The abstract for your science fair project must be emailed to me by Monday Feb 4th. If I do not forward them to the UNM STEM department, you will not be able to attend regionals. You also need to provide your date of birth in the email with the abstract. Remember to include any changes you have or will be making to your project in the abstract. This abstract must match the final project, or you could be disqualified. In addition, you need to give me a check for $18 made out to Central NM SERC and hand it the media consent forms I gave you on Friday. I will be bringing checks and the media forms to the paper-work drop off at UNM on Wednesday February 6th.

In addition, do NOT forget about your research papers. They are a separate grade from the science project and must be completed. Complete rough drafts are due on Monday Feb. 4. If rough drafts are late, you will lose points. Everybody must write their own paper.

There is a Quest this Friday. STUDY!

This week we will continue to study respiration and excretion in humans and we will finally do what we have all been waiting for... Dissections!! 

Monday: Today we will read section two and take notes and answer questions as we go. This section is on excretion and we will begin to understand how our bodies deal with the waste products of cellular respiration. Homework will be to complete the section 2 assessment and to complete the handout assigned and handed out in class. 

Tuesday: Today we will be in the lab space completing a lab on respiration and photosynthesis and observing the buildup of waste product in respiration when a green water plant is kept in the dark. Yes, we will be using the Elodea sp. sprigs that gave been happily living on the lab bench floating in fresh water. Homework will be to complete any remaining lab questions as well as the review hand-out that will help you prepare for Friday's test. 

Wednesday: In class today we will again travel to the lab Space and we will be dissecting and examining sheep kidneys to learn more about the structure of human kidneys and how excretion is accomplished in mammals. Bring a strong stomach and don't wear your favorite clothes! Homework will be to complete lab questions and to finish a review handout for Fridays test. I suggest that you study for at least an hour this evening to prepare for Thursday's review game. The more you know, the more we can review and the more useful the review will be to you. 

Thursday: Review game. I really hope you studied! Tonight, homework will be to STUDY and complete a review handout that will help you study. Please study for 1 hour tonight. I really want to see improved grades on Friday's test. 

Friday: Test day! Weekend homework is to revise your research papers. They count for a large portion of your grade so work hard on them!